esp-println 0.5.0

Provides `print!` and `println!` implementations various Espressif devices failed to build esp-println-0.5.0
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Visit the last successful build: esp-println-0.9.1


Provides print!, println! and dbg! implementations for various Espressif devices.

  • Supports ESP32, ESP32-C2/C3/C6, ESP32-H2, ESP32-S2/S3, and ESP8266
  • Dependency free (not even depending on esp-hal, one optional dependency is log, another is critical-section)
  • Supports JTAG-Serial output where available
  • Supports RTT (lacking working RTT hosts besides probe-rs for ESP32-C3)
  • no-op features turns printing into a no-op

RTT on ESP32-C3 / ESP32-C6

The cli utility should work for flashing and showing RTT logs on ESP32-C3 by using it's run command. You need to use the direct-boot feature of the HAL to flash via probe-rs.


In your Cargo.toml, under [dependencies], add:

esp-println = { version = "0.3.1", features = ["esp32"] }

Choose a recent version and your chipset.

Then in your program:

use esp_println::println;

You can now println!("Hello world") as usual.


With the feature log activated you can initialize a simple logger like this


There is a default feature colors which enables colored log output.

Additionally you can use


In this case the following environment variables are used:

  • ESP_LOGLEVEL sets the log level, use values like trace, info etc.
  • ESP_LOGTARGETS if set you should provide the crate names of crates (optionally with a path e.g. esp_wifi::compat::common) which should get logged, separated by , and no additional whitespace between

If this simple logger implementation isn't sufficient for your needs you can implement your own logger on top of esp-println - see


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